How World War II Transformed America
Sharing the central thesis of my book "The Coming World Nation"
Today I’m sharing another excerpt from my forthcoming book The Coming World Nation. (I’m now doing my final edit of the book’s last chapter so it should be out fairly soon). This excerpt builds off the previous one I shared a couple weeks ago:
In this excerpt, I talk about why World War II marks the pivot point of modern history: not only because it led to the formal emergence of American Empire, but also because it marked the creation of a black projects underworld within the structure of the US National Security State.
In the decades since WWII, as America’s global empire has extended its control over the world system, this black projects underworld has grown in power and influence. From the start, its goal has been to utilize the outer structures of American Empire to gradually prepare the globe for a lockstep shift into global government and technocracy.
Today, we are witnessing the formal implementation of this long-building agenda. Major global changes are coming, ones that will remain incomprehensible until you fully digest the meta-theory about American Empire that I present in my book.
In the previous chapter, we investigated the significance of Nazi Germany’s top-secret Kammlerstab program: an underground, off-the-books weapons development operation that was concealed deep within the inner sanctums of the Nazi military-industrial complex.
To recap: the Kammlerstab weapons program was overseen and managed by an engineering savant named Hans Kammler. It had a unique operational mandate: to convert the storehouse of occult knowledge accumulated by S.S. antiquities researchers into engineering concepts for potential weapons systems. Its operations were housed within an extensive network of underground facilities, which Kammlerstab engineers were also responsible for designing and building.
Compartmentalization and secrecy were highly prioritized within the Kammlerstab: knowledge about the types of “exotic” weapons systems its scientists were pursuing was confined to a small elite who alone possessed the security clearances required to access this information. A comprehensive information control system was implemented around the activities of this elite “think tank”, ensuring that its most highly prized secrets stayed safely persevered within its structure.
The most highly prized and exotic weapons systems that Kammlerstab scientists pursued - one like the aforementioned Bell project or the flying saucer project of Viktor Schauberger - were concealed behind more conventional weapons projects like ballistic missiles or nuclear weapons.
While the Kammlerstab went to great lengths to preserve its secrets, I argue that its operations were vulnerable to infiltration from American spy networks from two primary avenues.
First, it was dependent on the services of Nazi Germany’s massive industrial cartel system to supply the resources needed for its secret weapons projects. As I previously explored, these cartels had been deliberately set up by the American Deep State well in advance of the war and were almost certainly infused with agents of American intelligence agencies.
Second, the upper echelons of the S.S. may have also been infiltrated by American intelligence networks: the inner elite of the S.S. (Himmler’s “Circle of Friends”) was comprised of corporate executives from Germany’s military-industrial cartel system. Before the war, this cartel system had been deliberately set up by the Americans and its most prominent corporate executives held close ties with the US Deep State. It’s therefore quite possible that some figures within Himmler’s “Circle of Friends” were feeding intel back to the Americans.
Considering these factors together, the picture that emerges is one where an elite core within the US National Security State had penetrated the operations of both the S.S. and the German military-industrial complex, giving it a window into the secret weapons programs of the Kammlerstab.
It may even be the case that a secret entity within the US - the institution I call the Technocratic Superstate - had deliberately arranged for the Kammlerstab to be created in the first place, the purpose being for American to eventually discover and harvest its operations after the war.
There’s much about this story that we still don’t know, but two things are certain: 1) the Kammlerstab existed and 2) the US had at least some foreknowledge of its operations prior to the war’s end. Immediately after Germany’s surrender, American intelligence agencies swooped in with great speed and vacuumed up the Kammlerstab’s most important resources, including its key scientists, technologies, and engineering blueprints, and imported back to America. Most likely, Kammler himself was also taken by the Americans.
In the years following the war, the Kammlerstab’s confiscated assets - which included significant numbers of captured S.S. scientists and engineers - were covertly put to work within the US to build out an American version of the Kammlerstab. As a result of this effort, the entire architecture of the US National Security State was fundamentally transformed.
For one, The US adopted the Kammlerstab’s all-encompassing culture of secrecy - a trend that had already begun with the Manhattan Project and was set to continue with the Cold War nuclear arms race but which was taken to a whole new level after the Kammlerstab’s importation.
Another key feature of the Kammlerstab that the US replicated was its multi-dimensional approach to operational compartmentalization. Here, numerous levels of false fronts and information security measures were implemented to protect and conceal the program’s innermost secrets, with none save a central scientific elite understanding the full scope of operations existing within its portfolio.
Other features of the Kammlerstab that America replicated after the war include its use of black budget financing, underground operations facilities, public-private partnerships, and - most importantly - the pursuit of exotic, Ether-based weapons systems.
The black projects underworld that America began to build out for itself after WWII was based directly on Nazi Germany’s Kammlerstab program, picking up its research activities right where its German forbearer had previously left off. I argue that this was by design: a secret scientific entity in America - the Technocratic Superstate, formed decades prior to the war - had carefully planned for and orchestrated this situation.
Its rationale for doing so is clear: it wanted to catalyze America to create a black projects underworld within its structure, which it could conceal itself within and gradually take control over, while at the same time remaining entirely secret and invisible from the US National Security State’s awareness.
There was also another motivation: it wanted to use a third party - Nazi Germany - to introduce the Etheric energy paradigm to the Americans. This field of science is something the Technocratic Superstate has long monopolized, retaining the most advanced secrets about it within its structure. In order to preserve this monopoly, it needed to keep itself invisible. But it also needed the US military to begin developing an interest in researching the subject at a rudimentary level: this would catalyze them to develop a black projects operation dedicated to its study, one that the Technocratic Superstate could secretly take control of from within and use as an instrument to fulfill its long-term strategic ambitions.
By using Nazi Germany as a midwife to introduce Etheric energy to the Americans, the Technocratic Superstate was able to accomplish each of these goals: it introduced the US military to the Etheric energy paradigm in a relatively rudimentary form, catalyzing its interest in researching it; it gave the Americans a ready-made template (the Kammlerstab) for how to build out a black projects operation within its interior structure; and it preserved the secrecy of its own operations.
What this theory implies is that there are at least two different levels to the black projects underworld that America created after World War II: an outer level formed from the harvesting of Nazi Germany’s Kammlerstab program and a concealed inner core that is far in advance of the outer shell (this being the Technocratic Superstate).
The outer level of this black projects structure - the one created after WWII - is highly secretive, but interfaces more directly with the institutions of American Empire than the inner core does. This is by design: the outer level is wrapped around the inner core like a turtle in its shell, with the inner core strategically manipulating its outer shell in order to exert its will over the trajectory of American Empire.
Another way to look at it is that the inner core operates within the structure of the outer shell like a secret society, infusing itself in its operational structure in a way that none but those initiated into it fully understand. In this manner, it is able to exert a covert influence over the long-term behavior of its outer shell. This shell is in turn infused within the structure of the overt National Security State, where it exerts an unseen influence over the American war machine, secretly influencing the buildout of American Empire and driving it in the direction of technocracy.
This theory explains how the Technocratic Superstate is able to manipulate the long-term trajectory of American Empire. World War II made all this possible, which is why I believe the Technocratic Superstate was the Hidden Hand behind the war, driving its dynamics in a direction that led to this predetermined outcome.
In my view, this meta-theory is the only way to explain how and why the events of World War II played out in the way that they did. I also believe it’s the only way to adequately explain the dynamics of the Cold War or any of the more recent moves toward technocracy that we’ve been witnessing, such as The Great Reset and the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution.
As we will be covering in this chapter, America’s Cold War against the Soviets, which kicked off almost immediately after WWII concluded, was from the outset a deliberately engineered conflict. Like WWII before it, this war, which lasted over four decades, was used as a mask to conceal a number of strategic initiatives taking place beneath its surface.
These include: the rise of American Empire; the exponential growth of the US military-industrial complex; the creation of a black projects underworld within the National Security State; the global expansion of US corporations, banks, and NGOs; the rise of US-dominated global governance institutions; and the permanent forward projection of US military power around the world.
These were all projects that the Technocratic Superstate required for the fulfillment of its long-term strategic endgame, and the Cold War made them all possible. The nuclear arms race and space race aspects of the Cold War were particularly important to the fulfillment of the Technocratic Superstate’s secret agenda, as it legitimated the creation of a black projects underworld, helped institutionalize a permanent policy secrecy and operational compartmentalization within the US military, and spurred an obsession within pursuing secret, classified scientific research.
As I hope our in-depth exploration of World War II has now made clear, the architecture of modern world history only begins to make sense once you factor in the story of American Empire and the concealed existence of the Technocratic Superstate within its structure.
Historians and sociologists often struggle to make sense of America’s rapid turn toward fascism and empire after World War II. This shift seems inexplicable only until you go back in time and look at the full backstory of this transition came about.
What you discover is that America’s turn toward empire was not catalyzed by one group alone. Instead, numerous powerful interests came together to drive this transition, including the capitalist oligarchy on one level, imperialist planners within the US Deep State on another, and farsighted social engineers within the Technocratic Superstate on another.
After this empire was formed, these interests did not entirely congeal together; instead, different power factions overlayed atop each other, with secrecy and compartmentalization becoming the dominant characteristic of its governance structure.
The complex sociological and psychological dynamics brought about by the extreme secrecy and compartmentalization that characterize American Empire cannot be overlooked: they are the most significant factors driving its behavior. Different constituencies within its structure are pursuing different ends for different purposes and this creates an enormous amount of stress and tension. It also prevents optimization from occurring and creates space for all manner of malevolent shadow behaviors to manifest.
It is impossible to understand the full story modern history without factoring in the inner complexities of American Empire. Without this understanding, it is also impossible to understand the changes now taking place in the world or to conceive what the future holds for human civilization.
Today, we are witnessing the global architecture of American Empire begin to break down. This is occurring as a controlled demolition, meaning it is an intentional deconstruction. As I will arguing in subsequent chapters, this process is occurring as part of a long-term plan, one that promises to lead not to the total collapse of global civilization or to the emergence a replacement empire like China. Rather, the endgame it is moving toward is the establishment of a formal system of global government.
This global government will be technocratic in its foundations and will feature at the apex of its governance structure a central think tank: the same think tank that now exists at the core of the Technocratic Superstate.
It’s clear that a significant global transition is occurring, with concurrent revolutions in energy, science, and technology set to take place alongside this shift to global technocracy. Keeping this in mind, when you go back and reconsider the secret history of the past 200 years, you discover that what you're actually witnessing is the gestation and birth of an entirely new paradigm of civilization: the World Nation.