The Cycle of the Arya and the Quest for a New Atlantis
After the fall of Atlantis, a new global power rises in North Asia
This article is part of an ongoing series exploring the history, purpose, and destiny of philosophy.
In previous articles, we tracked how philosophy was originally born out of the Mystery Schools of antiquity. We also traced how these Mystery Schools first originated during the lost antediluvian age of Atlantis.
In this article, we’re going to look at an important event that took place toward the end of the Atlantean era before its collapse: the emergence of a reformation movement within its capital city. This movement began within an uncorrupted sect of the priesthood who had warned the people against the evils that Atlantean society was falling into. As a result of their heterodox message, they were exiled and cast out of the Atlantean capital.
Leaving their Atlantean homeland continent, this sect of reformers - termed the Arya or “noble ones” - migrated halfway around the world to the Himalayan mountains of North Asia, where they established a community which would in time chart a new course for the future advancement of civilization.
In this article, we’re going to be delving into the backstory of this exiled sect, while also discussing the role that they have come to play in incrementally evolving civilization forward in the postdiluvian era.

1. The Arya: an Introduction and Overview
In Atlantis, a closely guarded doctrine of sacred knowledge was monopolized by a small priestly elite who used it to rule over a comparatively primitive population like gods among men.
Atlantean society was ruled according to a paternalistic philosophy of state, where its kings and priestly councils governed their empire by divine right, directing the fate of their people as shepherds to their flock.
When the ruling elite stayed true to the laws of heaven and used this knowledge to rule their earthly kingdom wisely and benevolently, Atlantis experienced a golden age and society as a whole prospered.
Even during its golden age, however, there was always a considerable difference between the level of advancement attained by the sacerdotal elite and that of the common person.
The Atlantean golden age was established from on high. It was not a bottom-up emergence but a top-down creation: it was the achievement of a small sect of priest-magicians who first emerged out of an older tradition of shamans and medicine men.
This small society of advanced sages were far in advance in terms of evolutionary development than the average individual of society. Thus, Atlantean civilization was dependent for its greatness on the achievements of a small elite.
Atlantis’s problems arose when this priestly elite began to jealously hoard their knowledge and misuse it in order to further their control over the material boundaries of the Atlantean empire.
Since the Atlantean priesthood held a complete monopoly over the sacred wisdom teachings, all domains of the population were hopelessly dependent upon this one group in order to gain access to and benefit from the use of this knowledge.
When the Atlantean priesthood fell into corruption, it ended up bringing the entire empire down with it. Yet, some vassal states and colonized regions survived, as did a sect of exiled migrants - the Aryans - who had settled in the Himalayas.
This sect of exiled migrants had originated as a heterodox reform movement within the Atlantean priesthood. They were against the corruptions that the orthodoxy had fallen into and attempted to warn the Atlantean population away from the self-destructive path they had fallen into.
After migrating halfway around the world to the Himalayas, the spiritual leaders of this sect established a small community and worked to re-design civilization away from the archetypes of the previous Atlantean pattern.
As a replacement, they sought to chart mankind on a new course of development, one that would address and gradually fix the various shortcomings of the Atlantean design that had lead mankind to fall into a state of endemic corruption.
As part of their reformation plans for a post-Atlantean order of civilization, the great spiritual leaders behind the Aryan migration to the Himalayas sought to break the monopoly that the priesthood jealously protected over the body of wisdom teachings contained within their Mystery School system.
In order to break this monopoly, the Aryans worked to develop a new redesign for civilization, one where the wisdom teachings would move outside the temple walls and instead become gradually seeded into the collective body of mankind.
It was the plan of the Aryans to gradually democratize access to mankind’s collective heritage of sacred knowledge so that it may be used to benefit and elevate more and more of the collective body of mankind.
The Aryan plan was to ultimately one day establish a New Atlantis founded on democratic principles, where access to sacred knowledge was available to all in potential, but still had to be earned by the student successfully undergoing the initiations and rites required for advancement.
Here, Earth itself was to become one great Mystery School in which all human souls are enrolled, instructed, tested, and gradually elevated into more highly evolved states of spiritual existence.
Having first developed within their small and reclusive Himalayan community their vision and strategy for how to attain this New Atlantis, the sacerdotal elite of the original Aryan sect sent waves of Aryan ambassadors and teachers around the world to gradually install their grand design upon the institutions of remnant Atlantis communities.
The Aryan reformation of Atlantean institutions would not happen all at once, however. Rather, it came in waves, with Atlantean successor civilizations in Egypt, Mesopotamia, Asia, the Americas, and the Mediterranean initially building their state empires according to the blueprint of Atlantis’s original program of institutional design.
In other words, the early states of the postdiluvian era replicated the same set of core social structures that Atlantis had. But in time, this Atlantean institutional template would gradually be evolved away from.
Through the incremental change management effort initiated by the Aryans, mankind began evolving itself away from the Atlantean model of religious autocracy and instead gradually began adopting a sequence of new civilization designs that were distinctly “Aryan”.
Gradually, this grand Aryan project of institutional reformation culminated in the events of the Axial Age, when philosophy was first born as a public-facing institution: an event that we have already covered in detail during this series.
It was during the Axial Age that philosophy was first born out of the Mystery Schools. In this article, we are going to connect both philosophy and the Mystery Schools with this larger reformation pattern associated with the Arya.
As we will be exploring in this article, philosophy is a product of this larger grand Aryan project of civilization redesign and reconstruction.
Ultimately, the goal of this project is to establish on Earth a New Atlantis - a new global civilization that will resurrect in spirit and substance the golden age of lost Atlantis before its decline.
The Aryans seek to construct a new age when man’s earthly institutions will once again be connected with the Invisible Government above and the Mysteries will again reign supreme as the center of a great global empire.
As we will see, philosophy is destined to play a key role in the realization of this plan.
In sum, the Arya arose in response to Atlantis’s fall into corruption. Its mission is to craft a new model of civilization that will overcome the karmic pattern of the previous Atlantean age.
In the next section, I want to go back and investigate in greater detail three main underlying themes in human development that coincide with Atlantis’s collapse.
By developing a more detailed understanding of these three trends, we can better understand the motivations of the Aryan adepts as they attempted to redesign civilization for a new post-Atlantean age of world order.
2. Archetypal Themes Behind Atlantis’s Fall
As previously discussed, the fall of Atlantis indicates a major transition point within the unfolding pattern of a larger cosmic cycle of creation.
In the long-term evolution of human life, Atlantis’s demise represents the end of one cycle of human civilization and the beginning of another.
More specifically, Atlantis marks the midway point in a larger cycle comprised of a sequence of seven successive ages.
As the midway point in this larger cycle of seven ages, Atlantis marks a transition point between the first and second halves of the grand cycle.
In philosophy, the first half of this greater cycle is dominated by an involutionary motion, where the divine consciousness of Spirit moves into matter to occupy the body of material forms.
Involution marks the initial phase of the great cycle, where material forms are fashioned and ensouled by the Spiritual Consciousness of the world.
This form-building involutionary motion moves toward a nadir point, where the tendency to envelop Spirit in layers of matter moves toward its most extreme point.
After the great cycle’s involutionary wave attains its culmination point, the cycle’s second half begins, where an opposing evolutionary wave commences.
Evolution is about the ascent of Spirit back out of matter through the evolution and perfection of form.
Through the mastery of form, Spirit overcomes its entanglement with matter and attains reunion with its own cosmic source.
Atlantis marked the transition point between these two great motions: involution and evolution.
The archetypal Fall of Atlantis represents the nadir point of matter’s veiling of Spirit, where the involutionary wave moves into its most extreme state before yielding to evolution.
Evolution is the inverse of involution: it represents the motion of the Spirit with matter blossoming out to reconnect with its source.
After the fall of Atlantis, mankind set out on a new cycle based around evolution. In the transition to this new cycle, every aspect of the human being would be altered and transformed.
The ideal of the “New Atlantis” represents the re-attainment of a golden age where the “Invisible Government” in heaven is once again rooted as the central institution of human society: the central axis around which a global civilization revolves.
The Aryan ideal isn’t to recreate what once existed in the past, but to evolve an already existing ideal forward into a progressed and evolved state of expression. The New Atlantis thus represents a state of progression in human civilization when man’s earthly institutions will once again be united with their heavenly counterpart - the so-called Invisible Government - but this time in a new form.
The next Golden Age must come in a new design, one suited to the new age we’re living through and which can incorporate everything that’s happened since antediluvian times.
The transformations that begin to take place after the Fall of Atlantis, as mankind commences its move into an evolutionary motion of growth, emphasize the need to confront and overcome the following three themes: materiality, individuality, and self-determination.
Each of these themes is a key element from which the new global order must be built.
The next golden age can come only when each of these trends is factored into its main design. Let’s take a closer look at each one-by-one.
A. Materiality
The first of the major transitions mankind would experience after the deluge involved a mass psychological transition away from an internally orientated state of psychology and instead toward a state of consciousness that prioritized its focus on the external world of the body and its material environment.
After Atlantis, mankind’s psyche would undergo a drastic reformation, one in which man’s primary focus of attention would move away from its initial orientation toward the mythic realms of its internal life (i.e. the archetypal realm of the collective unconscious) and instead shift toward an increasing focus on the demands and hazards involved with man’s material and social life. (Note: see my material on depth psychology, including my zine, for more on Jung’s model of the human psyche.)
The course of events that have lead mankind toward adopting a materialistic outlook on life was in large part driven by either the consequences of environmental instabilities such as droughts and floods or by the wreckage and destruction caused by empires and their conquests.
As time passed down from the time of the deluge, more and more swathes of the global population began to fall under the control of extractive empires.
The rise and fall of these great empires served to unite previously separated tribes and nations into common economic zones, while at the same time forcing large populations out of old, traditional ways of living.
The end result was that mass groups of people were transitioned rapidly into an entirely new paradigm of life, one that was more interconnected yet also more unstable, driven as it was by a world order that was falling under the increasing dominion of empire, debt, conquest, slavery, and war.
In short, the sequential development of the pagan era’s long series of empires served to disrupt, disorient, and destabilize an old order of civilization and herald the coming of a new one.
The rise and fall of empires during the “pagan” era of civilization set in motion a globalizing momentum that bound more and more regions of the world together under the auspices of economic empire.
Over time, these vast, economic empires fell out of the control of monarchy and instead fell into the rulership of oligarchy, where a financial elite oversaw the formation of vast bullion-based Eurasian trade networks connecting large regions and population groups together under an increasingly standardized architecture of political, economic, and legal institutions.
This mercantile class of oligarchs would become enriched under the rise of war-making empires. They would strategically use their wealth to consolidate control over society, gradually shifting power away from society’s old power-base - the priesthood and the monarchy - and instead into the war-making machine that they controlled.
Later, during the fall of these of oligarchical empires, the various zones they once held together as a united front for war, conquest, and pillage would turn against each other and balkanize.
In time, these oligarchical empires would collapse just as their monarchial forebears had: from internal uprisings, civil wars, and barbarian invasions.
The difference was, when these oligarchical empires collapsed, they left in their wake a different order of institutions than that which they had originally inherited. It was from the remains of the oligarchy’s modified set of institutions that the original institutions of the Christian Age would be built.
The archetypal example of this historical motion comes with the Roman Empire, which was ruled by an oligarchy before fragmenting and falling into decay. When civilization would later be reborn from its ashes, it would cloth itself in the new pattern of oligarchy-based institutions that Rome had created.
The fall of Rome ultimately had the effect of transitioning the world order away from monarchy and into oligarchy on a permanent basis.
Since the Fall of Rome, the terrestrial government of the Earth has been ruled by an evolving lineage of oligarchical powers. Within the boundaries of this oligarchical class, a secret lineage of Aryan reformers has been working quietly to guide the world toward realizing its vision for a New Atlantis.
In sum, one primary consequence of the constant churning of Eurasian and North African empires during the entire progression of the “pagan” age was that much of Eurasia was brought together via empire onto a common plane of institutional development and standardization.
Throughout the course of the pagan age of civilization, human institutions were being standardized in civilization zones across the globe so that peoples all over the world were elevated to a common plane of development.
At the same time, society was also transitioning from a monarchial to an oligarchical form of governance, one that was empowered by an increased focus on economic and political concerns and a decreased emphasis on spiritual and religious considerations within the overall cultural climate.
This program of institutional globalization (i.e. the onset of the age of pagan empires) appears to have begun sometime around 3000 BC - a date that Manly P. Hall associates with the onset of the Kali Yuga. In ancient Vedic philosophy, the Kali Yuga is associated with an age of materiality, when mankind is driven to prioritize its attention on overcoming and transcending the harsh material realities of life.
Since this onset of this great collective motion into materiality that would begin with the onset of the Kali Yuga, the empires of the pagan age would rise and advance through a series of successive stages until the process culminated with the Roman Empire, which dominated Europe before falling into ruin during the early centuries of the Christian age.
One consequence of this program of imperial institution-building was that it came at the expense of an older way of existence. This had the effect of gradually transforming society away from an old model and into something new.
One of the characteristics of the transformation of civilization that was taking place during the development of pagan empires was a shift in focus away from the religious life and toward more secular concerns related to perpetuating one’s physical survival in a world that was becoming increasingly unstable, as regions all over the world were constantly being thrown into chaos due to conquests from imperial states and invasions from barbarian hordes.
The ongoing series of empires that dominated the pagan era caused mass migrations and displacements of peoples. These mass motions of imperial conquest would disrupt and transform the institutional order of global civilization.
The cycles of creative destruction caused by the rise and fall of pagan empires served to facilitate a gradual collective motion of civilization away from an Atlantean model and toward the direction of something new.
The new age of civilization mankind was moving into is one whose primary focus of attention would be externalized toward the realities and necessities of physical existence.
This was not how things were in Atlantis; the Atlantean was more introverted in their psychological orientation and it is said that the “third eye” (i.e. the pineal gland, an organ of spiritual perception) was then opened.
By implication, this organ now exists in a latent state and is unused by the average individual. On the flip side, the average human of today emphasizes their organs of sense perception to a much greater degree than the average Atlantean.
One consequence of this collective shift into a material focus is that there emerged alongside it a political transition in the power base of Earth’s terrestrial government: power would move away from the priesthood and monarchy and transition instead into the hands of oligarchs, who emerged as titans in control of major industrial, financial, economic, and military operations.
These giants of war-making would in time rise to take control over the terrestrial governments of the world, consolidating their economic, political, and legal institutions and reforming culture and religion to fit their needs and agendas.
Overall, the rise and fall of empires during the pre-Christian age had the effect of moving the collective body of mankind toward having an increased focus on the material world. This would have the political effect of empowering secular institutions such as finance, industry, and trade. It is from these sectors of society that the oligarchy would emerge to take control.
Whereas in the first ages of civilization society was ruled by a sacerdotal elite who ruled through their monopoly of sacred knowledge over ritual magic and mental telepathy, during the Axial Ages this knowledge left the temple and hid itself away in various secret societies so that the former political elite (the priesthood and monarchy) would, without its power base of knowledge, become disenfranchised, while a new political order based around the emergence of a war-making oligarchy would rise to take the reigns over human governance.
B. Individuality
Taking place alongside the psyche’s shift from an internal to external orientation is another slow-building transformation: the gradual activation and development of the human psyche’s ego principle.
Within the human psyche, the ego principle is involved with the notion of “individuality”, where the person experiences themselves as a unique, autonomous, physically embodied life form that is willing and able to exert its personal preferences and willpower on the world.
This ego principle was present but latent within the majority of Atlanteans, perhaps being activated only within the priesthood and a ruling elite.
Manly Hall describes the psyche’s ego principle as follows:
“In the inner construction of the human psychic nature, there is what we might term a drive to power…. This psychic streak in man seemingly arises from ego”.
“When a man desires, he says, ‘I want.’ When he intends to advance some special course, he says, ‘I will.’ When he wishes to become rebellious against the circumstances around him, he says, ‘I will not.’ All of these pressures - I want, I must have, I must be - have to arise in the ego.”
In the earliest times, before the ego principle had come into development, man was tethered into a “hive mind”. This “hive mind” was the state of affairs that characterized Atlantis and, to a lesser degree, its early postdiluvian successor states.
In the earliest civilizations of man, the psyche of the average individual was focused inwardly toward the source of itself - toward the “gods”, or more technically: “the archetypes of the collective unconscious”.
This references the hidden, metaphysical realm of human consciousness that the priesthood wielded advanced knowledge over through its monopolization of the esoteric teachings of its Mystery Schools.
This prehistoric age of “hive mind” was also the age of myth: an age when the institutions of religion held complete dominion over the affairs of society. During this period, the average person experienced life in terms of its inner mythic realities.
During such a psychologically introverted age, it is natural that a priesthood possessing knowledge of how to control and manipulate life’s inner, metaphysical domains should be empowered to rule.
In these earliest ages of civilization, mankind lived under a paternalistic order in which the needs of the average individual were provided for by the authority of autocratic state rulers and religious leaders who wielded complete control over a secret science of nature’s laws.
During this paternalistic age, the elite priesthood of shaman-magicians at the apex of Atlantean civilization ruled society from within the inner sanctums of the magnificent temple complexes scattered about the Atlantean landscape, where they governed the collective psychology of the masses, while also controlling its core institutions.
This was a time of the caste system, when individuals were slotted into narrowly defined social roles defined by their caste position.
During this age, the ego principle was latent within the average individual, whose consciousness was cloaked instead in a persona enforced upon it by the caste position that they had been born into.
With the fall of the Atlantean world order, mankind begins to move out of this paternalistic age of governance and into a series of increasingly pluralistic forms of oligarchical rule. During this process, the ego principle of the average individual begins to be stimulated into activation.
As the old institutions and caste structures derived from the Atlantean age increasingly break down, they become replaced with a new order of civilization that increasingly emphasizes individual development.
In sum, the fallout from the rise and fall of the empires of the ancient world is largely to blame for catalyzing this collective psychological shift toward individualization.
As a consequence of the tremendous pressure placed upon the individual that the forces of empire would repeatedly exert, there came a constant stimulation of the psyche’s ego-principle, which up to then had been latent, buried deep behind the caste system’s fixed hierarchy of personas and social roles.
As the age of empire progresses and man’s material and social environments become more and more unstable, an increasing amount of pressure become placed on the person’s ability to develop and utilize their own psychological resources in order to best navigate the tumultuous transformations taking place within their external environment.
As the collective psyche gradually moves into an increased level of concern with the material conditions of life, the old caste system, with its well-defined social roles and persona identities, breaks down. As a consequence, each individual is tasked more and more with carving out their own unique niche so as to ensure their own survival.
Overall, evolution is developing the psyche’s ego principle in order to gradually mold the human into a self-governing individual.
It is one of the evolutionary themes of the current age that the ego be brought out of its prior state of latency within the psyche and into active development.
Over time, this increase in self-awareness that was beginning to emerge in human psychology would lead to a drive for increased personal autonomy and political agency. This in turn would lead to demands for inclusion in governance by outsider castes and classes that were previously disenfranchised.
Whereas before power was vested almost exclusively within the priesthood and monarchy, in the postdiluvian age, economic and cultural institutions began to take on more prestige and gain increased influence over the affairs of society.
This evolutionary motion within the collective psyche coincides with a political transition, where an oligarchical elite existing outside traditional boundaries of monarchial empire gradually takes over political control of society.
In time, the rise of this new political elite - this oligarchy - would set society on a new path, one motivated more by individualistic and materialistic ambitions than on mythic and religious concerns as it had been during the days of the “hive mind” of Atlantis.
C. Self-Determination
As we just covered, the rise in development of the ego principle in the human psyche coincided with an increase in demand for political agency among classes and castes outside of the monarchy and priesthood.
The human psyche’s increased concern with expressing its own innate sense of individuality coincided with another emerging trend: the increasing desire for self-determination among the masses.
Gradually, a growing demand to express personal agency and political influence emerged within various sectors of the population. This had the effect of pushing society toward adopting more pluralistic forms of state government where power is more widely distributed among numerous constituencies within the population.
The individual with personal preferences inevitably seeks to exert influence over the governance of his social environment. But, as the saying goes, with power comes responsibility. As new groups emerge to take power, they also take on the responsibility of wielding that power.
This collective motion toward the increased emphasis on individual self-determination is one in which in which the body of mankind takes on more and more responsibilities for fulfilling the duties of social governance.
The immediate consequence of this emerging trend was for civilization’s governance model to move from monarchy to oligarchy. In time, more democratic tendencies would development as a larger and larger percentage of the population would demand participation in the governance of their affairs.
As more of mankind takes on more of the responsibility for civilization’s upkeep, an increasing percentage of human souls must elevate themselves to a position where they are capable of fulfilling these responsibilities.
The challenges that come with taking on more responsibility stimulate the individual to develop their own internal resources and faculties in order to meet this challenge.
In this way, the psyche’s re-orientation toward its physical and social environment provides a platform of new experiences that the soul will utilize in order to be stimulated into developing and unfolding its own inner potentials.
This pluralistic motion in human governance toward democratization is part of the grand plan of the Arya. In large part, civilization’s evolution in the direction of democracy is the work of the legacy institutions of this original Aryan sect.
It was in their secluded Himalayan homeland that the vision for a worldwide democracy was first developed. This democracy was to be supported by a philosophic commonwealth of nations, where philosophy would be esteemed as the dominant ideology of the masses.
Now that we’ve tracked the three main trends in human evolutionary development that have come into emphasis alongside the decline of the Atlantean Age and the rise of the Aryan one, let’s move on to investigate the strategic game plan the Aryans have used in pursuing their quest of a New Atlantis.
3. The Aryan Reformation of Atlantis’s Legacy Institutions
To briefly recap the Aryan origin story: according to ancient myths and teachings, before the collapse of Atlantis there was a movement to reform Atlantean society away from its corrupt ways.
This movement was instigated by a reformist sect of the Atlantean priesthood, who had stayed true to the highest ideals of the wisdom teachings and had prophesied that unless Atlantis changed its ways it would succumb to disaster.
After their attempts at reform proved futile, this group migrated out of Atlantis. They journeyed to the other side of the earth and settled in the secluded mountainous regions of the Himalaya, where they would develop their doctrines into a new paradigm for the future design of civilization.
The Aryans survived the deluge and in time spread out from their sheltered homeland to gradually transform the institutional architecture of human civilization, modifying the core psychological and sociological characteristics of the various tribes, colonies, and vassal states that remained isolated from one another over the postdiluvian landscape of the now-destroyed Atlantean empire.
This project of institutional transformation was a gradual one. It took place in successive stages in such a way that the remnant civilizations of Atlantis were gradually weaned off the institutional paradigm of their predecessor and instead gradually converted toward adopting this Aryan sect’s new approach for civilization’s redesign.
The Arya-lead transformation of peoples and cultures who were formerly vassals of the Atlantean state would not take place all at once. Instead, it proceeded in a series of successive stages or waves.
These waves emanated out from the secluded North Asian homeland of this reformist sect. From this source region, great spiritual educators and institutional reformers would emerge as branches extending outward from one common tree.
In periodic, emanating radiations, outbound Aryan migrants would pulse out from the Himalayas to travel the earth, reforming and evolving in gradual waves the various post-Atlantean civilizations they would encounter.
In this way, the Himalayan region become the capital base out of which was managed a global project to reform and evolve mankind in a new direction away from the previous Atlantean paradigm.
This global project of reforming civilization has quietly been pursued since the time of the deluge by a sect of spiritual masters residing in seclusion in remote regions of North Asia. In esoteric philosophy, these masters are termed the Aryan Adepts and they are the earthly representatives of the Invisible Government.
In esoteric philosophy, the great waves of evolutionary development that proceed out from Himalaya to reform the peoples of the Earth away from the Atlantean archetype is termed the “Arya”.
The Invisible Government of the Earth that we have been discussing as being the ultimate source and parent of the Mystery Schools is directly linked to this group of sages who are the North Asian-based founders of this Aryan Cycle.
In the golden age of Atlantis, the highest priests of the Atlantean Mysteries formed this golden link between heaven and earth. But after the fall of Atlantis, this heavenly connection was moved to the Himalayas and entrusted to the master sages behind the Arya.
The ultimate aim of the Arya is to lead human souls out of the Atlantean karma loop they had become collectively caught within. This is accomplished by stimulating these souls to develop the strength to overcome their Atlantean karma and progress to the next stage of their own evolutionary unfoldment.
It is the aim of the great spiritual teachers who are the overseeing body of this initiative to one day re-establish on earth a new golden age - a New Atlantis.
This new Atlantis will feature the Mysteries once again as its central institution, but with all of mankind now enrolled as candidates. Philosophy will be the core curriculum taught to disciples of this academy.
The goal is to convert the entire mass of human souls into initiates, so that through the body of a completely awakened mankind, the Divine Power behind the world can complete the Great Work it had originally set for itself before it first fashioned its creation.
This vision of a New Atlantis exists as an archetypal ideal for us to strive toward and eventually achieve. It represents the culmination of the 5th Age of mankind - the “Aryan Age”, which is driven by this Aryan-lead cycle of institutional reformation.
In order to achieve its utopian vision for civilization, the Aryans set about the task of gradually modifying the institutional metastructure of human civilization in such a way that the humans developing within these civilizations would be stimulated to learn the lessons they needed to learn owing to the karma they had attained from their involvement in the previous Atlantean age.
At the same time, these evolving human souls would be stimulated to develop and release new physical and psychological capacities and potentials that had previously been underdeveloped and kept latent within them.
Taken in sum, “the New Atlantis” symbolizes the fulfillment of the evolutionary ideal for our age. When we have finally overcome our Atlantean karma while also developing our God-given soul potentials, only then can we say we have finally achieved the “New Atlantis”.
4. The Aryan Agenda and the Quest for a New Atlantis
In his teachings, Manly Hall has described the reclusive fraternity of Rishis and adepts who serve as the Invisible Government behind the Aryan campaign for world reformation as follows:
“The administration of our racial unfoldment is in the keeping of certain custodians termed “Adepts”. They are beings belonging to the present life-wave who have, by the extraordinary cultivation of their spiritual faculties and powers, become conscious instruments of the Divine Plan and the natural teachers of unenlightened humanity.”
These adepts are “the hands and feet of the Great Lord. They are required … to guide the race without interfering with the right of the human being to learn through experience. They must keep the universal laws and are servants rather than Masters of the Great Plan.”
These great spiritual gurus “are said to dwell in retirement and frequently select remote places for their habitations. They have their disciples whom they instruct, and are Masters of the esoteric arts and sciences associated with their religious philosophy.”
This Invisible Government behind the Aryan migrations has formed the central axis of world civilization for millennia, spreading its influence out in a series of successive waves as part of a long-term effort to gradually develop and evolve civilization forward toward the ideals of its vision for a New Atlantis.
The purpose of the Arya's evolutionary changes is to develop a model of civilization that will be responsive to the three great trends in human life that have emerged since the fall of Atlantis (materiality, individuality, and self-determination; discussed previously).
The Aryan sect’s aim has always been to re-establish a golden age on Earth by bringing the collective body of mankind to a point where it can collectively resurrect the ideal of a golden age, one that will ultimately progress and evolve what was previously established during Atlantean times.
The New Atlantis that these sages and Rishis have been working to build is not a replica of the old model but a forward progression and further enhancement of it, one that takes into account the various evolutionary progressions and changes that have taken place within mankind since antediluvian times.
The Aryan agenda has been in motion since prehistoric times. The philosophical doctrines that justify and explain their agenda were not written down until right before the onset of the Kali Yuga - i.e. the age of materiality - which, according to Manly P. Hall, commenced around 3000 BC.
The wisdom tradition taught by the lineage of adepts who descend down from the first Aryan Rishis was not compiled and written down until approximately 3100 BC, a time period that directly precedes the onset of the Kali Yuga. This body of compiled wisdom teachings would come to be known as the Vedas.
The Vedas is the earliest recorded doctrine of spiritual teachings descending from the original Rishis of the Arya, the reform movement from Atlantean civilization whose exile to the Himalayas set the stage for the next age of human evolution to commence.
During the Aryan migrations, adepts and initiates would branch out from their North Asian homeland in order to embed themselves within strategically located communities and regions, where they would initiate reforms to the institutional architecture of the civilizations existing in those areas.
In time, the Aryan reformist doctrine would travel around the world in order to modify and redesign cultures and peoples across the globe, bringing them away from the old inherited traditions of Atlantis and instead toward a model appropriate to the new age that mankind was collectively moving into.
Through this gradual motion of institutional reformation, what was initially an Atlantean-inspired world order gradually came to become “Aryan-ized”, with its cultures transforming into a design that imitated not old Atlantis but rather the institutional design of the Aryan community.
The Aryans accomplished their reforms not by overthrowing the cultural systems of the peoples they encountered in their waves of migrations out of their Himalayan homeland, but by modifying them in increments.
The Aryans took a gradual approach to stimulating human development by focusing their efforts on modifying and redesigning the overarching design of civilization’s institutional architecture (i.e. its social structures) in such a way that the populace, living within these changing cultural systems, will be strategically nudged to develop and evolve in a certain targeted direction.
The qualities emphasized by the Aryans in their reformations of Atlantis’s legacy institutions were ones that factored in the three great postdiluvian changes that were taking place to mankind, notably its move into materiality, its focus on individuality, and its increased demand for personal self-responsibility.
These three trends describe attributes that philosophy is specially designed to work with and develop.
As we will discover in the next section, philosophy is a creation of this grand Aryan reformation project.
It is specially designed to transmute these three motions of the soul into the production of an elevated and further evolved human species.
5. Philosophy’s Emergence was a Project of the Arya
One example of the impact that the Aryan migrations had on the transformation of civilization comes with the Grecian states.
Prior to the rise of the Orphic sect in Greece circa 1500 to 1200 BC, Greek religion was in a primitive state and was trapped in an outmoded institutional paradigm derived from Atlantean times.
The Orphic sect moved into Greece as part of this greater pattern of Aryan migration and set about reforming the region’s religious institutions, modifying them into the pattern of Olympian deities that we know today.
Within the context of this newly redesigned mythology, the Orphics resurrected the Atlantean Mystery School system, giving it an Aryan redesign and incorporating certain changes to its structure that would modify it from being an exact replica of that which had once existed during the Atlantean Age.
Centuries later, during the early period of the Axial Age, Pythagoras and Plato would become initiates of these Orphic Mystery Schools. In time, each would develop and teach original doctrines of philosophy that re-interpreted and reformatted the Aryan wisdom teachings contained within these Orphic Mystery Schools, giving them a new vehicle for the modern age.
Pythagoras and Plato were ambassadors of this greater Aryan reformation project alongside the other great world teachers of the Axial Age. Each participated in furthering the preparation of mankind toward the Aryan dream of one day fashioning a New Atlantis.
The common destiny that the great philosophical leaders of world history have collectively labored toward is to inspire mankind to achieve for itself a state of highly evolved existence that will mirror the archetype first established for it by the spiritual founders of the Aryan sect.
The story of modern history is the story of this ideal being gradually implemented across the face to the Earth.
Before this New Atlantis can be constructed, the archetypal evils of the old empire must be confronted and overcome. One of these archetypal elements of Atlantis’s fall into corruption is the tendency of one sect (the priesthood) to hoard access and monopolize sacred knowledge for its own selfish use.
The sacred knowledge of the wisdom teachings is meant to evolve humanity. It is comprised of the secrets of nature’s use of energy to create form. Mankind is intended to use this knowledge to progress and evolve its own form so as to achieve, ahead of schedule, the next phase of its evolutionary development.
Ultimately, it is man's destiny for these teachings to be revealed completely to the collective body of mankind. Without the dissemination of this knowledge, the collective transformation of mankind can never take place.
To hoard access to this knowledge and block its natural and proper flow into the collective body of civilization is to retard nature’s innate drive to evolve and improve mankind.
One of the primary objectives of the Aryan reformist movement was to break the stranglehold that the priesthood had on the Mystery Teachings so that these teachings could not so easily be blocked from being disseminated.
One of the reforms offered by the Aryan sect was that it insisted on democratizing the wisdom teachings and present them in a form where more and more members of society could benefit from them. It’s not that they gave these teachings out openly; rather, they opened the teachings up to candidates from outside sectors of society who qualified to received them.
Corrupt elites, who wanted to keep this knowledge exclusively for themselves, sought to monopolize these teachings and hoard access to it. This plan goes against the larger laws and plans of the Divine Being behind nature and always ends up failing as a strategy.
Indeed, the entire “Atlantean archetype of the fall”, which we’ve discussed previously, is the process of collapse setting in due to the priesthood polarizing itself away from the Invisible Government in order to pursue autonomous domination of Earth.
The plan to monopolize control of knowledge so as to selfishly rule the Earth is one that always ends in self-destruction. The historical record of the repeated collapse of postdiluvian pagan empires which emulated Atlantis’s core institutional model is a testament to this truth.
The collective growth of the species is stunted when access to its heritage of wisdom teachings is arbitrarily cut off by politically motivated groups. It was the goal of the Arya to gradually evolve mankind to a point where it could break this pattern for good and move mankind toward a new institutional paradigm, one that would direct mankind's collective development in a new direction.
This new direction is aimed at setting mankind on a new path of self-discovery, one that will ultimately lead to the establishment of the Aryan ideal of the New Atlantis.
In conclusion, the purpose of the Aryan redesign of thecivilization is to evolve the collective body of mankind forward.
One of the main Aryan initiatives is to create a global civilization where the Mysteries are once again enthroned as the central institution of a global civilization - as they once had been in Atlantis.
But unlike in Atlantis, the entire body of mankind is now to be enrolled in this Mystery School, not just a small elite who would be trained to govern over a comparatively primitive mankind in a paternalistic fashion.
The Arya works toward the progression of human evolution at all scales. In the new paradigm that it is pushing man into, the entire body of mankind is to be elevated and raised to the state of the initiate. Through an elevated humanity, God takes control of its specially designed instrument - mankind - which it uses to accomplish its Great Work of Divine Resurrection.
As mankind is stimulated to evolve more and more, God awakens more and more within its creation. Through an awaking human kingdom, God takes more complete control over its instrument and is able to more perfectly and completely accomplish its sacred works.
Philosophy emerges as the custom-designed instrument that the collective body of mankind is intended to utilize in its effort to raise itself up to re-establish a golden age and a New Atlantis.
The goal of re-designing the architecture of civilization into the archetype of the New Atlantis has been the project of the Aryan Hierarchy since their first emergence back in antediluvian times.
The heavenly pole of this New Atlantis archetype already exits: it is the Invisible Government - the spiritual Hierarchy of awakened souls who exist outside of the polarity of birth and death.
The task of the Aryans has been is to remake civilization into a suitable vehicle for reconnecting terrestrial civilization with this heavenly pole. This ideal civilization must be global in scope, cooperative in spirit, and dedicated to the highest ideals of Aryan philosophy.
Once the New Atlantis is finally established as a philosophical empire comprised of a commonwealth of world nations, the 5th Age of mankind will be fulfilled and the 6th Age will then commence.