Mar 26Liked by Alexander Sachon

Is it reasonable that we are witnessing the fall of the American Empire? Or better the fall of the cabal? With all that has been revealed (first hand, causal source revealed) globally to the collective consciousness regarding Trade, Healthcare, Central banking, military-industrial, "voting" systems, foreign "aid" and war, psychological operations, information warfare, and social engineering. The stage is set, right? Something cataclysmic, black🦢, could thrust us across this threshold and get us back on the correct timeline? The timeline that we as a people were on prior to maritime law, central banking, and petroleum-based health and tech. I am a big fan of people being brought to the precipice. "It’s only at the brink that people find the will to change. Only at the PRECIPICE do we evolve"

Last question: Have the invisible and mysterious benevolent adepts and masters established new territory and economy for our future? I like to think some of them were part of this realm, but they escaped ala Galt's gulch.

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Mar 24Liked by Alexander Sachon

Can and will what we today call esoteric knowledge be divulged to the mainstream and general populace so as to become common knowledge, or will this kind of knowledge always attract and pertain to a smaller but perhaps more influential niche target audience? How can esoteric knowledge break through mainstream institutions’ intentional resistance to it and the general populace’s ignorance and disinterest in such profound subjects?

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What’s your fav skate shoe from the 90s/early 2000s?

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