Your article is very interesting, thanks for sharing it with us. However, I want to make sure I got it correctly. Does it mean that the Mystery Schools are part of the Globalist agenda? In my honest opinion, it doesn't sound that nice...

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Hey Helena, I think there are different groups pursuing globalism for different reasons. Overall, the phenomena of human civilization linking itself together into a global form is an inevitability driven by impersonal laws in nature. The question for us is, what is the vision for this world civilization and who gets to lead it? The ruling elite at the moment are dominated by an ideology rooted in scientific materialism. I think this is what needs to change, with philosophy moving in as a replacement. If we have a world civilization rooted in philosophy, than we can work together to build a new global golden age.

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So you think the globalism pursued by the Mystery Schools is sort of a good version...That could be true, but I do not believe in freedom for humanity reached by any sort of specific group. I no longer believe in any type of ruler or ruling structure. But just wanted to make sure I got your text right. Thanks for sharing it again. Interesting point of view.

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